Animation World
Main trailer per l'anime The Beginning After The End
March 5, 2025
Main trailer for the anime The Beginning After The End
The premiere of the new anime produced by
Fuji TV
The Beginning After The End
is less than a month away. Find a new promo below.
Animation World
Flow di Gints Zilbalodis tra un mese nei cinema Italiani
feature film
October 8, 2024
Flow by Gints Zilbalodis in theaters in a few weeks in Europe and USA
The new animated feature film by the young Latvian author who made a feature film all by himself (Away) is titled
and is about to hit theaters in the USA and the rest of the world.
Animation World
Trailer del nuovo film di Jean-François Laguionie Slocum et Moi
feature film
October 7, 2024
Slocum et Moi is the new feature film by Jean-François Laguionie
Just released, we present the trailer of the new feature film by the French director
Jean-François Laguionie
. You can find it with the info immediately below.
Animation World
I Simpson - la stagione 36 si apre con il.. finale della serie
The Simpsons
October 1, 2024
The Simpsons - Season 36 opens with the.. series finale
The eternal animated television series
The Simpsons
began broadcasting the new season a few days ago with a very special episode.
Animation World
Trailer dei nuovi episodi di Jurassic World: Teoria del Caos
Jurassic World
September 23, 2024
Trailer for the new episodes of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
Available on the well-known streaming platform in a few of weeks, below the trailer of the new episodes of the series
Jurassic World
: Chaos Theory
Animation World
Nuovo promo per l'anime Dandadan in uscita in autunno
August 21, 2024
New promo for the anime Dandadan expected in autumn
A new trailer for the upcoming new anime
produced by
Science SARU
has been released. We show it to you below.
Animation World
Prime animazioni della stagione 2 di Jurassic World: Teoria del Caos
animated series
July 29, 2024
First animations for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory season 2
Two months after the release of the first season of the animated series
Jurassic World: Chaos Theory
, the distributor shows us the teaser for the second.
Animation World
Memoir of a Snail di Adam Elliot vince il Premio Cristal ad Annecy
June 17, 2024
Adam Elliot's Memoir of a Snail wins Cristal award at Annecy
The 2024 edition of
concluded with the main prize for best feature film won by Australian filmmaker
Adam Elliot
Animation World
Un Gatto Coraggioso e i suoi amici dal Cile
feature film
June 13, 2024
A Brave Cat and her friends from Chile
An interesting feature film titled
Brave Cat
is currently in production and the first animations have been released.
Animation World
La serie WondLa di Skydance Animation si mostra nel primo trailer
animated series
June 3, 2024
Skydance Animation's WondLa series is shown in the first trailer
The first animated series produced by
Skydance Animation
which will be available in a few weeks on the Apple streaming platform is shown in the first trailer.
Animation World
Le prime immagini della serie fantasy WondLa di Skydance Animation
animated series
May 1, 2024
First images for Skydance Animation's WondLa animated series
The first animated series produced by
Skydance Animation
is the adaptation of the New York Times bestselling series of fantasy novels. Below are the first images and information.
Animation World
Trailer finale del film anime My Oni Girl dello Studio Colorido
April 24, 2024
Final trailer for Studio Colorido's new anime film My Oni Girl
The strange friendship between a boy and a demon girl is the basis of the new anime film
My Oni Girl
produced by
Studio Colorido
. Below is the first trailer.
Animation World
L'anime Solo Leveling avra una seconda stagione
April 1, 2024
The Solo Leveling anime will have a second season
The anime version of the South-Korean manwha
Solo Leveling
will have a second season, after the enthusiastic reviews of the first which just ended. Find the trailer immediately below.
Animation World
Il Regno di Kensuke e un nuovo Castaway animato
feature film
March 26, 2024
Kensuke's Kingdom is a new animated Castaway
A co-production between European studios is the feature film
Kensuke's Kingdom
, a work made with excellent two-dimensional animations and recently won another award.
Animation World
Dopo il film arriva la serie Sand Land di Akira Toriyama
Akira Toriyama
March 19, 2024
After the film here is the Sand Land series by Akira Toriyama
The trailer for the new anime series based on another manga by
Akira Toriyama
who passed away a few weeks ago has been presented. Broadcast on the
home platform, you can find the video immediately below.
Animation World
Il quarto film anime dello Studio Colorido e My Oni Girl
March 18, 2024
Studio Colorido's fourth anime film is My Oni Girl
What happens when a boy meets a demon girl? We will find out in the anime
My Oni Girl
, the new feature film from
Studio Colorido
of which we see the first animations.
Animation World
L'anime Dandadan arrivera su Netflix in autunno
March 11, 2024
The anime Dandadan on Netflix in October
The anime
, based on the manga of the same name by
Yukinobu Tatsu
which mixes paranormal, mystery, action and romantic comedy, was announced by the streaming.
Animation World
Il Ragazzo e l'Airone - Miyazaki vince il suo secondo Oscar
Academy Awards
March 11, 2024
The Boy and the Heron - Miyazaki wins his second Oscar
Academy Awards
concluded a few hours ago, the American industry awards event in which the winner in the animated feature film category was It was a Japanese film.
Animation World
Oi! Tonbo e il nuovo anime sul gioco del Golf
January 19, 2024
Oi! Tonbo is the new golf anime
The new anime
Oi! Tonbo
will arrive on small Japanese screens in April. Today we show you the first promo just released. Video and infos below.
Animation World
Godspeed e la nuova odissea animata fantascientifica di Olan Rogers
animated series
December 12, 2023
Godspeed is Olan Rogers' new animated sci-fi odyssey
A new animated series appears on the horizon: it is
, the new work by
Olan Rogers
. Below is info and trailer a few days after the premiere.
Animation World
Dandadan - Paranormale e Romanticismo nel nuovo anime di Science Saru
November 28, 2023
Dandadan - Paranormal and Romance in the new Science Saru anime
A new manga will see its transposition into anime in 2024. It is titled
and will be produced by the prestigious studio
Science Saru
. Info and first promo below.
Animation World
La paura del buio per Netflix - Orion e il Buio
November 10, 2023
Fear of the Dark for Netflix - Orion and the Dark
Among the Geeked Week announcements,
also showed the official trailer of its next animated feature film:
Orion and the Dark
. We'll show it to you right away.
Animation World
Il trailer della nuova commedia Under The Boardwalk della Paramount
October 27, 2023
Trailer for Paramount's new comedy Under The Boardwalk
studios release the trailer for their new animated comedy featuring crabs and their journey home. Below is the official trailer.
Animation World
Angeli e demoni si scontrano a scuola nel nuovo anime di Kadokawa
October 23, 2023
Angels and demons fight at school in Kadokawa's new anime
The new anime from publisher Kadokawa is titled
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
. Below the first promo video, info and debut date.
Animation World
Trailer per la serie di fantascienza per adulti Scavengers Reign
animated series
October 11, 2023
Trailer for the adult sci-fi series Scavengers Reign
Max Channel's animated series directed at an adult audience.
Scavengers Reign
, one week away from its premiere, is presented with the official trailer.
Animation World
Il Ragazzo e l'Airone non e l'ultimo film di Hayao Miyazaki
Studio Ghibli
September 8, 2023
The Boy and the Heron is not Hayao Miyazaki's last film
While the latest
Studio Ghibli
Hayao Miyazaki
's feature film leaves Japanese borders, one of the spokespersons who presents it releases new information.
Animation World
Il Fantasma di Canterville in versione animata nei cinema Inglesi
August 24, 2023
The Canterville Ghost in animated version next month in UK
The famous children story written a century and a half ago becomes a feature which hits UK theaters next month. Trailer and info below.
Animation World
La battaglia finale - Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy stagione 2
July 20, 2023
The final battle - Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy season 2
presents the official trailer for the second season of the anime
Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy
. You can find it immediately below.
Animation World
Trailer dell'anime sequel Kaina of the Great Snow Sea
June 12, 2023
Trailer for Kaina of the Great Snow Sea anime sequel
After the anime series
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea
broadcast in Japan since January, Polygon Pictures presents the trailer of the sequel film that we show you right away at follow.
Animation World
Flow e il nuovo lungometraggio di Gints Zilbalodis (Away)
June 8, 2023
Flow is the new feature film by Gints Zilbalodis (Away)
The artist and author known for solo making the animated feature
, presents his next project. Below a preview of
Animation World
Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy nuovo promo della stagione 2
May 30, 2023
Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy new promo for the season 2
The second season of the anime
Bastard!! - Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy
will be available in July on the well-known streaming platform. Below a new and long promo.
Animation World
Trailer ufficiale della nuova serie animata di Zerocalcare su Netflix
May 21, 2023
Official trailer for Zerocalcare's This World Can’t Tear Me Down
The new series based on a work by Zerocalcare,
This World Can’t Tear Me Down
, is presented with the official trailer a few weeks after its arrival on the streaming platform.
Animation World
Akuma Kun - Magia nera e demoni nel nuovo anime Netflix
May 4, 2023
Akuma Kun - Black magic and demons in the new Netflix anime
A new anime will be available to subscribers of the well-known streaming platform later this year. It's titled
Akuma Kun
and below you will find the information and a first promo video.
Animation World
Il ritorno della navicella Planet Express non e lontano
April 17, 2023
The return of the Planet Express is not far away
There are still no official dates for the expected return of the Futurama series announced last year, but at least a not too distant period that bodes well.
Animation World
Trailer e data del film anime Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King
March 28, 2023
Trailer and release date for Black Clover: Sword of the Wizard King
Originally announced for March, the anime film in the
Black Clover
franchise has been pushed back a few months. New trailer and new release date below.
Animation World
Il leggendario mangaka Leiji Matsumoto e scomparso all'eta di 85 anni
Leiji Matsumoto
February 20, 2023
Legendary mangaka Leiji Matsumoto passes away at 85
Only now are confirmations of the death of the legendary
Leiji Matsumoto
last week due to a heart problem. He was 85 years old.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Lost
February 11, 2023
Animusic Weekend: Lost
, our appointment with music and animation today takes us inside the celebrations of 20 years of a memorable album for an American band,
Linkin Park
Animation World
Mario contro Donkey Kong nella nuova clip di Super Mario Bros. il Film
January 30, 2023
Mario vs. Donkey Kong in the new The Super Mario Bros. Movie clip
Just a few months away from
's long-awaited debut in the motion picture industry with their first production,
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
. Today we offer you a clip starring Mario and Donkey Kong.
Animation World
Lungometraggi e serie animate che Netflix rilascera nel 2023
January 19, 2023
Feature films and animated series that Netflix will release in 2023
With a video, the well-known streaming platform
has released the first information on the feature films and animated series that will enrich its catalog in 2023. All the info below.
Animation World
Due mondi si intrecciano con Mummie - A spasso nel tempo
Warner Bros.
December 8, 2022
Mummies - Two worlds collide in the new trailer
Warner Bros.
studios present the second and long trailer for their new animated feature:
. We show it to you right away.
Animation World
L'incontro tra Ember e Wade nel primo teaser di Elemental della Pixar
November 18, 2022
Meet Ember and Wade in the first teaser for Pixar's Elemental
The very first animations of the new animated feature film made in
have been published. We show them to you right away.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Eye for an I
October 1, 2022
Animusic Weekend: Eye for an I
Animation sometimes lets us discover musical worlds away from the main stream, as in the case of this weekend, where
takes us in Romania to listen to
Eye for and I
White Walls
Animation World
Primo trailer per Il Drago di Mio Padre di Cartoon Saloon
Cartoon Saloon
September 28, 2022
First trailer for Cartoon Saloon's My Father's Dragon
The new feature film by those Irish geniuses
Cartoon Saloon
comes with the very first animations. Find the trailer below.
Animation World
Clip inedita dell'anime La Casa tra le Onde in arrivo su Netflix
feature film
September 14, 2022
New clip for the upcoming anime Drifting Home
In a few days, the third feature film by
Studio Colorido
Drifting Home
will be available. Below a new clip.
Animation World
Pantheon - la prima serie con animazioni tradizionali di AMC
animated series
July 29, 2022
Pantheon - AMC first traditionally animated original series
The new animated series from the American
network is also his first production with traditional animations aimed at an adult audience.
Animation World
Primo trailer completo dell'anime La Casa tra le Onde
feature film
July 14, 2022
First official trailer for the anime Drifting Home
Expected in September, the third feature film by
Studio Colorido
will take us adrift across the open sea. Below the official trailer of
Drifting Home
Animation World
Il trailer completo de Il Mostro dei Mari di Netflix
June 8, 2022
The first complete trailer for Netflix's The Sea Beast
The new feature animation film made in
The Sea Beast
is presenting with the first complete trailer.
Animation World
Nuovo teaser dell'anime La Casa tra le Onde
June 6, 2022
New teaser trailer of the upcoming anime Drifting Home
The new anime produced by
Studio Colorido
, a few months after its release, comes with a new teaser trailer.
Animation World
Netflix presenta ONI: Thunder God's Tale
June 2, 2022
Netflix presents ONI: Thunder God's Tale
A few hours ago the well-known streaming platform
released the first animations of the short series
ONI: Thunder God’s Tale
Animation World
Cinematography: Arcane - 3D e 2D insieme allo stato dell'arte
May 30, 2022
Cinematography: Arcane - state of the art with 3D and 2D together
in Animation Industry
, our professional column dedicated to the animated industry, leads us to explore the serial production inspired by the League of Legends videogame.
Animation World
Tutti i lungometraggi in concorso e non ad Annecy 2022
May 3, 2022
All feature films in competition and not at Annecy 2022
Just over a month away from the new edition of the festival of
, awaited by the world of the animated industry. Below by the feature films selected for the 2022 edition.
Animation World
La Casa tra le Onde - Data e teaser dell'anime dello Studio Colorido
April 26, 2022
Drifting Home - Release and Teaser of the Studio Colorido's new anime
The new anime produced by
Studio Colorido
show us the second teaser trailer and the release date. Below video and infos.
Animation World
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse slitta al 2023
Sony Pictures Animation
April 21, 2022
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse postponed to 2023
Sony Pictures Animation
announced today that Spider-Man fans will have to wait even longer before the new animated film.
Animation World
Cinematography: l'animazione Giapponese e il cibo
February 20, 2022
Cinematography: Japanese animation and food
Our professional appointment
in Animation Industry
today explores a very particular aspect of animated productions in Japan: food.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Color and Shapes
February 19, 2022
Animusic Weekend: Color and Shapes
At the weekend on our pages the music mixes with the animations with our appointment
. Today we listen to
Color and Shapes
Mac Miller
Animation World
Altro giro e altra versione: un nuovo Pinocchio dalla Russia
January 28, 2022
Another round and another version: a new Pinocchio from Russia
acquires the distribution rights to the Russian animated feature
Pinocchio: A True Story
. Below info and trailers.
Animation World
Aardman & Netflix - L'inizio di una lunga amicizia
January 21, 2022
Aardman & Netflix - The beginning of a long friendship
British animation studios
and the popular streaming platform
are consolidating their partnership by announcing new titles currently in production.
Animation World
Disney ritorna all'animazione classica con il corto Far From The Tree
December 27, 2021
Disney returns to classic animation with the short Far From The Tree
A new short film titled
Far From The Tree
arrives on the
streaming platform. Below the trailer.
Animation World
The Deer King - Il Re dei Cervi - Nuovo trailer e nuova data
Production I.G
December 7, 2021
New trailer and release date for Production I.G's The Deer King
The new anime from the well-known Japanese animation studio
Production I.G
, postponed due to the pandemic, moves further and comes with a new trailer.
Animation World
My Dress-Up Darling - Bambole e Cosplay nel nuovo anime di CloverWork
October 25, 2021
My Dress-Up Darling - Dolls and Cosplay in the new CloverWork anime
A new anime produced by
studios was unveiled a few days ago. Below the first trailer for
My Dress-Up Darling
Animation World
Robin Robin - il trailer dello special di Aardman Animation
October 11, 2021
Robin Robin - trailer for the Aardman Animation's holiday special
Less than two months away from the publication of the new special by
Robin Robin
. Below we show you a long trailer.
Animation World
La Casa tra le Onde - Teaser dal nuovo anime dello Studio Colorido
September 27, 2021
Drifting Home - Teaser of the Studio Colorido's new anime
Among the news for next season that
announced on Saturday in its Tudum event there is also space for the new anime from
Studio Colorido
. Below the video.
Animation World
Le storie dei Fratelli Grimm in una nuova serie animata
September 14, 2021
Brothers Grimm' fairy tales in a new animated series
The new animated series
A Tale Dark & Grimm
will be available from next month. Below the first trailer of the title.
Animation World
Il Re dei Cervi e il nuovo anime di Production I.G
Production I.G
July 10, 2021
The Deer King is the new anime from Production I.G
Postponed for a year due to the pandemic, the new anime from studios
Production I.G
is shown with a long trailer. You can find it below along with the info.
Animation World
Trailer 3 per il ritorno del Baby Boss della DreamWorks Animation
June 24, 2021
Trailer 3 for the return of DreamWorks' The Boss Baby
studios are ready to dive again into the world of high finance but in small sizes. Below the new and long trailer of
The Boss Baby: Family Business
Animation World
Monsters & Co. La Serie - Lavori in Corso!
June 16, 2021
Monsters, Inc. the series - Monsters at Work
presents us the trailer of the new animated series that will enrich its catalog:
Monsters at Work
Animation World
Il grottesco umorismo austriaco nel film animato Snotty Boy
June 14, 2021
The grotesque Austrian humor in the animated film Snotty Boy
It happens very rarely to look beyond the Austrian borders for animated productions. The animated film
Snotty Boy
is one of the exceptions.
Animation World
Nuovo trailer per Baby Boss 2 - Affari di Famiglia
DreamWorks Animation
June 4, 2021
New trailer for The Boss Baby: Family Business
DreamWorks Animation
presents a new trailer for its upcoming
The Boss Baby: Family Business
film. Back on family business.
Animation World
Il nuovo anime di Lupin III - Parte 6 in arrivo ad Ottobre
May 26, 2021
The new anime Lupin III: Part 6 coming in October
The well known Thief is ready to return for his
50th anniversary
with a new anime series. Below the first animations.
Animation World
The Faraway Paladin - dalla light novel all'anime
April 23, 2021
The Faraway Paladin - from light novel to anime
Another Japanese light novel is ready to hit the screens as anime. It's the turn of
The Faraway Paladin
of which we see the first promo.
Animation World
Satoshi Kon: The Dream Machine - trailer di un intenso documentario
Satoshi Kon
March 30, 2021
Satoshi Kon: The Dream Machine - trailer of the upcoming french doc
An interesting documentary produced in France is dedicated to the brilliant and acclaimed Japanese artist
Satoshi Kon
, of which we show you the first trailer.
Animation World
Ufficiale: Disney chiude i Blue Sky Studios
February 10, 2021
Now it's official: Disney shutting down Blue Sky Studios
eventually decided to close the studios that created well-known franchises such as Ice Age, Rio and many more. Great damage but no wonder.
Animation World
Sono 27 i Film Animati a concorrere per una nomination all'Oscar 2021
Academy Awards
January 29, 2021
27 Animated Features are competing for a 2021 Oscar nomination
Academy Awards
, the well-known awards that will be announced this year at the end of April, presents the animated feature films that will compete for a nomination.
Animation World
Il Grande Nord - nuovo teaser della serie degli autori di Bob's Burger
animated series
December 29, 2020
The Great North - new teaser of the series by Bob's Burger authors
The new animated series produced by Fox studios is titled
The Great North
. Below a new video less than two months before the premiere.
Animation World
Tornano gli affari di famiglia con Baby Boss 2
DreamWorks Animation
November 24, 2020
The Boss Baby - The family is back in business
DreamWorks Animation
studios present the first trailer for its upcoming new feature film:
The Boss Baby: Family Business
, a sequel to the original 2017 film. Below the first trailer.
Animation World
Nuova data e teaser trailer per Gundam: Hathaway
November 18, 2020
New release and teaser trailer for Gundam: Hathaway
After the skipped release last summer due to the pandemic, the anime
Gundam: Hathaway
comes with a new teaser trailer and a new date. Below video and info.
Animation World
Il Grande Nord - la Fox vola in Alaska per la sua nuova serie
November 2, 2020
The Great North - Fox in Alaska for its new animated series
network presents the very first animations of its new animated series titled
The Great North
, expected at the beginning of the year. Below video and info.
Animation World
Ad Halloween Scooby Doo e soci tornano nel loro primo special animato
Warner Bros.
July 6, 2020
The Scooby Doo's gang in Halloween with their first special
Even though November is far away, the Warner Bros. studios are starting to make some plans for the famous holiday. The big dog Scooby Doo and friends will return with a film in their first Halloween special.
Animation World
La Vetta degli Dei - il manga di Jiro Taniguchi diventa un film
June 17, 2020
The Summit of the Gods - Jiro Taniguchi's manga in a film
Is a French production a new feature animated film
The Summit of the Gods
(orig. Le Sommet des Dieux) presented with the first animations these days in
. Below the first teaser.
Animation World
Trailer ufficiale Netflix dell'anime A Whisker Away
May 29, 2020
Official Netflix trailer for the anime A Whisker Away
The upcoming anime
A Whisker Away
Studio Colorido
(Penguin Highway) , as already announced on our pages [news] by skipping the theaters release, take the opportunity to go out in VOD.
Animation World
Due episodi completi della nuova serie animata dei Looney Tunes
May 26, 2020
Two complete episodes of the new Looney Tunes animated series
The new series of the legendary cartoons made by
studios will be available only on the new
streaming service tomorrow, but the channel has given away a preview that we show you immediately below.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Hana ni Borei
May 2, 2020
Animusic Weekend: Hana ni Borei
A new weekend arrives with our appointment between music and animations. Today
takes us to Japan to listen to the song
Hana ni Borei
Animation World
L'anime Faccio Finta di Essere un Gatto salta il cinema e esce in VOD
April 30, 2020
The anime I Pretend to Be a Cat skip theatrical release to VOD
The second animated feature of the Japanese
Studio Colorido
(Penguin Highway) due to the global health emergency, skips the theaters release but arrives in VOD all over the world the same month.
Animation World
La nuova serie animata di Topo Gigio in anteprima a Pasqua su RaiPlay
April 9, 2020
Topo Gigio's new animated series will premiere on RaiPlay
Entirely conceived and made in Italy, the new animated series starring the italian famous
Topo Gigio
will premiere on the
streaming service. Below info and photos.
Animation World
Il nuovo anime Gundam: Hathaway si mostra con trailer e poster
March 25, 2020
Trailer and poster for the upcoming anime Gundam: Hathaway
We talked last year about the new
: Hathaway
franchise from
. A few months before the first film arriving in Japanese theaters, we show you the trailers and posters.
Animation World
Asterix oggi da l'ultimo saluto al suo papa Albert Uderzo
Albert Uderzo
March 24, 2020
Asterix today gives the last farewell to his dad Albert Uderzo
The brilliant French author and cartoonist
Albert Uderzo
, author together with
René Goscinny
of the most famous French comic saga
, has died.
Animation World
Terzo trailer per Trolls World Tour della Dreamworks
DreamWorks Animation
March 6, 2020
Third trailer for DWA's Trolls World Tour
The new musical comedy of the studios
DreamWorks Animation
Trolls World Tour
, expected in theaters next month, is presented with the third long trailer. You can find it right away.
Animation World
Netflix pro Anime - nuovi accordi con 6 autori giapponesi
February 27, 2020
Netflix to Anime - adds deals with 6 Japanese authors
The well-known streaming service increasingly focuses on Japanese productions. A new deals between
and six important Japanese authors for new titles is just a few days away.
Animation World
Le prime clip della nuova serie Duncanville della Fox
February 13, 2020
First clips of the new Fox's animated comedy Duncanville
The new animated comedy
, produced by two historical authors of the
The Simpsons
, will arrive on the
channels. Below two clips video.
Animation World
Duncanville e la nuova commedia animata della Fox
The Simpsons
February 3, 2020
Duncanville is the Fox's new animated comedy
Two of the producers and authors of
The Simpsons
are ready to present their new original animated series:
, a comedy starring another crazy American family.
Animation World
Il primo trailer di Peter Rabbit 2 - Un Birbante in Fuga
January 16, 2020
First trailer for the hybrid film Peter Rabbit 2 - The Runaway
The 2018 hybrid film (animation and live action)
Peter Rabbit
will soon have a sequel. The title is
Peter Rabbit 2 - the Runaway
and it will be released this spring. Below we show you the first trailer.
Animation World
Il ritorno degli gnomi aiutanti dalla Germania
January 10, 2020
The return of the helpers gnomes from Germany
A new animated comedy is almost ready for its German debut. The title is
Die Heinzels - Rückkehr der Heinzelmännchen
and features the helpers gnomes. Below the official trailer.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Let's Not Go Away
December 14, 2019
Animusic Weekend: Let's Not Go Away
In the weekend we take a little moment of relax playing music mixed with animations. Our fixed appointment
today takes us to United Kingdom to listen to
Let's Not Go Away
Scouting For Girls
Animation World
Full trailer della serie con protagonista Harley Quinn
November 13, 2019
Full trailer of the Harley Quinn DC animated series
Just like the Marvel cousins, even the
studios are presenting original new serial and non-serial productions, without forgetting the animated world. Below the full trailer of the series dedicated to
Harley Quinn
Animation World
Away, il film realizzato da un solo artista arriva su Amazon
November 8, 2019
Away, the film made by one artist arrives on Theaters and Amazon
Its titled
the independent film made by a young artist
Gints Zilbalodis
, and for "made" we mean "made entirely by him". Film that is ready to be seen by the whole world.
Animation World
Oscar 2020: Record di titoli animati inviati all'Academy
Academy Awards
October 17, 2019
Oscar 2020: Record of animated titles submitted to Academy
We will have to wait until February 2020 for the announce of
Academy Awards
for this year's film productions, but the lists of titles are already outlined which will be taken into consideration by the Academy.
Animation World
Nuove clip inedite e featurette de Il Piccolo Yeti
DreamWorks Animation
September 23, 2019
New exclusive clips and a featurette for DWA's Abominable
DreamWorks Animation
studios together with chinese
Pearl Studio
present in a few days the new film
. Below two new clips and a featurette.
Animation World
Un clip inedita de Il Piccolo Yeti della DreamWorks
September 6, 2019
Abominable exclusive clip - new DWA/Pearl comedy
The new animated feature film
will be released under the label
DreamWorks Animation
, a feature film co-produced with a Chinese studio. Below an exclusive clip.
Animation World
Gli spot delle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2020 - ovviamente animati
September 4, 2019
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games promo - obviously animated
The next Olympics Games will start summer 2020 in
, the much awaited edition that will take the Japanese capital to the center of the world, if it were still needed. Below the two animated promos.
Animation World
Straordinari poster dell'edizione Cinese de La Citta Incantata
June 25, 2019
Breathtaking posters of the Chinese version of Spirited Away
another film by the well know
Studio Ghibli
Spirited Away
arrives in Chinese theaters eighteen years after the Japanese release. Below the breathtaking posters made for the event.
Animation World
I Lost My Body trionfa ad Annecy 2019
June 17, 2019
I Lost My Body wins Cristal Award at Annecy 2019
The 2019 edition of
has ended, awarding the French feature film
I Lost My Body
with the first award. Below the complete awards list.
Animation World
I lungometraggi Fuori Concorso e Eventi Speciali ad Annecy 2019
April 18, 2019
Feature Films Out of Competition and Screening Events at Annecy 2019
We conclude our report on animated feature films presented within the new edition of the
Film Festival. Below the titles out of competition and the special events.
Animation World
Addio a Monkey Punch - il papa di Lupin III
Monkey Punch
April 16, 2019
Lupin 3rd creator Monkey Punch passed away
The genius Japanese mangaka
Monkey Punch
, father of the comic version of the popular gentleman thief, passes away few days ago at the age of 81.
Animation World
Animusic weekend: Drunk Arcade
April 13, 2019
Animusic weekend: Drunk Arcade
Our (virtual) trip of the weekend between music and animations,
, today takes us to Australia, to listen to the song
Drunk Arcade
Bombs Away
Animation World
Google chiude il progetto Google Spotlight Stories
Google Spotlight
March 14, 2019
Google closes the Google Spotlight Stories project
Active for over six years and with 16 animated shorts of rare beauty (and technology) made in an immersive vr,
Google Spotlight
closes its doors. The official announcement arrived yesterday.
Animation World
Trailer americano per Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative)
February 13, 2019
U.S. One-day-event for Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative)
The popular anime
arrives in US with a new saga:
Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative)
. Below trailer and poster for the special one-night event.
Animation World
Smash and Grab - nuovo corto gratuito della Pixar
February 12, 2019
Smash and Grab - new Pixar SparkShorts
Animation Studios releases a new original animated short from the
series. Below the complete film
Smash and Grab
Animation World
Primo trailer per Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash
January 17, 2019
First trailer for Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash
presents the new franchise project of the legendary
with the title
Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash
. Below the first animations and all the info.
Animation World
The Lego Movie 2 - Il secondo trailer italiano del film
January 10, 2019
New and complete trailer for The Lego Movie 2
The new Lego movie chapter,
The Lego Movie 2
, is ready to hit theaters all over the world in the nex weeks to bring us back into the world of Emmet, along with its superheroes friends. Below the new and complete trailer.
Animation World
John Lasseter - ex Pixar - Assunto capo di Skydance Animation
January 10, 2019
John Lasseter is now head of Skydance Animation
After last year's scandals involving
with the departure of the studio's creative chief,
John Lasseter
, from a few hours instead comes the news of a transfer to other studios.
Animation World
Cinque spot italiani da Benvenuti a Marwen di Zemeckis
Academy Award
December 14, 2018
New trailer for Zemeckis Welcome to Marwen
This holiday season the
Academy Award
Robert Zemeckis
Steve Carell
in the most original movie of the year. Below the 3rd official trailer.
Animation World
La festa di Emmet - il corto natalizio di LEGO Movie
Warner Bros.
December 11, 2018
Emmet's Holiday Party: A LEGO Movie Short
Warner Bros.
studios are ready for the new invasion of the famous colored bricks with
The Lego Movie 2: A New Adventure
, sequel to the 2014 blockbuster. Below we present an exclusive holiday short.
Animation World
Anteprima di ben 23 minuti per Gundam Narrative
Mobile Suit Gundam
December 3, 2018
23 minutes preview for Gundam Narrative
Mobile Suit Gundam
is the new movie starring the legendary Gundam produced by
now in Japanese theaters. Below the official video with 23 minutes preview.
Animation World
Una nuova web serie tutta per Woody Woodpecker
November 26, 2018
A new web-series for Woody Woodpecker
On the day of the 78th birthday of the South American animated icon of the
Woody Woodpecker
, we present you the trailer for new projects created only for web audience.
Animation World
I nuovi e importanti progetti animati di Netflix fino al 2021
November 7, 2018
Netflix plans new and important animated projects for 2019-2021
focuses on animation with new films and series that are very interesting for the coming years. Below the whole list of titles with images and infos.
Animation World
Super Drags - I supereroi con i lustrini su Netflix
October 19, 2018
Super Drags - Netflix's maximum fabulousness superheroes
The new
animated series direct to an adult audience sees some Drag Queens becoming a new breed of superheroes. Below the first trailer.
Animation World
Peter Dinklage si unisce al cast de I Croods 2
Game of Thrones
October 9, 2018
Peter Dinklage joins cast of DreamWorks Animation Croods 2
Game of Thrones
Peter Dinklage
joins the cast of the new
DreamWorks Animation
film, distribuited in 2020 by
Universal Pictures
Animation World
Ci ha lasciato il maestro della stop-motion Will Vinton
October 5, 2018
Stop-motion and claymation legend Will Vinton passed away
He was the American Animator who raised the stop-motion animation and the claymation (he created) to the state of the art. He left us at the age of 70 after a long battle against cancer.
Animation World
Smallfoot in testa nei principali box-office di mezzo mondo
Warner Bros Animation
October 1, 2018
Smallfoot - first weekend in the head in the world box-office
Warner Bros Animation
studios are not yet at the level of Pixar or DreamWorks Animation, but with their animated productions they have good satisfaction.
Animation World
Animusic Weekend: Faded Away
August 25, 2018
Animusic Weekend: Faded Away
Our last appointment in August with
, music and animation, comes with the song
Faded Away
Sweater Beats
Icona Pop
Animation World
I Simpson - il video di anteprima della stagione 30
Matt Groening
July 23, 2018
The Simpsons - sneak peek of the season 30
Matt Groening
at the last San Diego Comic-Con has talked about the upcoming and 30th season of
The Simpsons
which will premiere on
September 30
Animation World
Gli Incredibili 2 - due scene complete del nuovo film Pixar
Incredibles 2
June 6, 2018
Incredibles 2 - two complete scenes from the new Pixar movie
Incredibles 2
is the new
movie that coming in theaters (almost) everywhere next week. Today we show you the first two clips.
Animation World
Prima occhiata ai personaggi di Dragon Trainer 3
DreamWorks Animation
May 25, 2018
First look at How To Train Your Dragon 3 heroes
DreamWorks Animation
franchise starring Vikings and dragons,
How To Train Your Dragon
, will return in 2019. Today we show you the very first images of the "mature" main characters.
Animation World
Trailer americano dell'anime Fireworks
May 25, 2018
US trailer of the anime Fireworks by Shaft Studio
GKIDS reveals a new trailer for the anime produced by
Shaft Animation Studio
, a sci-fi/drama movie that will arrive in US theaters this summer.
Animation World
Clip inedita da Trollhunters Parte 3
May 23, 2018
New clip for Trollhunters Part 3
Will be available in a new days the new season of
, the animated series produced by
DreamWorks Animation
. Below a new clip with two new characters.
Animation World
L'ultimo saluto di Miyazaki a Isao Takahata
Studio Ghibli
May 17, 2018
Miyazaki's last goodbye to Isao Takahata
On Tuesday,
Studio Ghibli
held a memorial service at the Ghibli Museum for director and studio co-founder
Isao Takahata
, who passed away last month at the age of 82.
Animation World
Catsaway - La corte dei gatti di Abu Dhabi
May 2, 2018
Catsaway - Underground feline court in Abu Dhabi
An interesting production coming from the United Arab Emirates, made with classic two-dimensional animations, is titled
. Below we show you the first trailer.
Animation World
Galline in Fuga avra un sequel
Aardman Animation
April 26, 2018
Chicken Run - the sequel is in production
The english
Aardman Animation
studios will produce a sequel of one of their most successful stop-motion animated movie:
Chicken Run
Animation World
Prime animazioni di Bao - nuovo corto Pixar
April 13, 2018
First animations for the Pixar's short movie Bao
The new
's short movie that we will see in theaters with
Incredibles 2
is titled
. Below the very first animations.
Animation World
Ieri ci ha lasciato il maestro Isao Takahata
Isao Takahata
April 6, 2018
Master Isao Takahata passed away
We are heartbroken to report that the legendary master, director and Studio Ghibli co-founder
Isao Takahata
has passed away yesterday Aprile 5. He was 82 years old.
Animation World
Come creare i muscoli in 3d de Gli Incredibili 2
April 4, 2018
How to build 3D muscle and flesh for Incredibles 2
Sometimes it's good to go behind the scenes of the titles we're talking about. In this case we do a quick trip in one of the temples of computer graphics:
Animation Studios
Animation World
Mamme e ravioli cinesi per il nuovo corto Pixar
March 30, 2018
Moms and chinese dumpling for the new Pixar short
As usual a short movie is always distributed with the
films. The next will be titled
and will have, for the first time, a female director. [UPDATE]
Animation World
L'episodio pilota dell'anime The World of Roku
March 7, 2018
Pilot episode of the anime The World of Roku
We show you the full version of the anime
The World of Roku
, an independent Japanese project created entirely in computer graphics.
Animation World
Tre clip complete per il dispettoso Peter Rabbit
Sony Pictures
March 6, 2018
Four clips from the irriverent Peter Rabbit
Produced by
Sony Pictures
and with the animations of the amazing australian studios
Animal Logic
, the movie made with animations and live-actions
Peter Rabbit
is presenting us with four funny clips.
Animation World
Il gatto Rudolf dal Giappone all'Italia
Rudolf the Black Cat
March 6, 2018
Rudolf the cat from Japan to Italy
In japanese theaters in 2016 finally land in Italy the movie
Rudolf the Black Cat
. Below the italian trailer.
Animation World
A 23 anni realizza un film animato tutto da solo
February 13, 2018
23 years old make an animated movie all by himself
Art has no age. We can well say that speaking of
Gints Zilbalodis
, a young 23 years artist who has decided to make an indie animated film all by himself. Below the first trailer.
Animation World
Road to Oscar 2018: i corti animati canditati
Academy Awards
January 25, 2018
Road to Oscar 2018: Short movies in nomination
After the official announcement of the nominees for the famous
Academy Awards
, the Oscars of American cinema, let's take a closer look at the leading titles of the animated sections.
Bugs Bunny
Hayao Miyazaki
John Lasseter
Osamu Tezuka
Woody Woodpecker
Animation World
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