Animation World
The return of the helpers gnomes from Germany
January 10, 2020

The return of the helpers gnomes from Germany

A new animated comedy is almost ready for its German debut. The title is Die Heinzels - Rückkehr der Heinzelmännchen and features the helpers gnomes. Below the official trailer.
The film known under the international title The Elfkins - Baking a Difference, talks about the return of these little gnomes who helped a craftsman from Cologne at night, then chased away by the bad wife of a tailor two centuries earlier. Now these little helpers are ready to return.

The film is direct by Ute von Münchow-Pohl (Die Häschenschule - Jagd nach dem goldenen Ei) and written by Jan Strathmann, with animations prododuced by German Studio Rakete (Ooops! Noah Is Gone...) with a little help by chinese Sophie Animation.

The local premiere is 30 January 2020. Here the official trailer:

[ Fra - source Imdb ]
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