Two complete episodes of the new Looney Tunes animated series. The new series of the legendary cartoons made by Warner Bros. studios will be available only on the new HBO Max streaming service tomorrow, but the channel has given away a preview that we show you immediately below.The HBO Max streaming service is owned by WarnerMedia and therefore has access to a large catalog of WB-made productions. But tomorrow, May 27, the platform's debut day, it will also make available to its customers the new Looney Tunes animated series.HBO Max is available in North America, and plans to arrive in Latin America late 2020 and in some parts of Europe in 2021. In most European markets where it operates Sky (including the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy), however, the streaming service will not be launched. Sky will continue to broadcast HBO productions until at least 2024.The episode that we present has inside two full animated short films, "Boo! Appetweet" and "Bubble Dum" and a behind the scenes on how to draw the character of Bugs Bunny:[ Fra - source CartoonBrew/Wikipedia ]. End of the article.