Animation World
Road to Oscar 2018: Short movies in nomination
January 25, 2018

Road to Oscar 2018: Short movies in nomination

After the official announcement of the nominees for the famous Academy Awards, the Oscars of American cinema, let's take a closer look at the leading titles of the animated sections.
The the 90th edition of the kermesse will be held March, 4 and in the Best Short Animated Movie section the protagonists are the following titles that we present the relative trailer or clip, except for the first one public in full version:

- Dear Basketball
The first short movie is the work of a veteran who needs no introduction: Glen Keane, brilliant animator of the Disney studios. This short movie is written by and starring the NBA champion Kobe Bryant, short inspired by the farewell poetry written by Bryant himself for his farewell to Basketball in 2015. The music that accompanies the short is made by another big artist: John Williams.

Here it is in full version:

Garden Party
The 7 minutes short movie is the work of Victor Caire and Gabriel Grapperon, made in France and produced by Ecole MoPA. His synopsis seems almost ridiculous: a group of amphibians that explores the surroundings of the place where he lives. But the result is really good under many points of view, sublime under the graphic one, with models and animations very close to reality.

Here is the trailer:

Made from the Pixar studios, written and directed by Dave Mullins distribuited with the movie Cars 3. The work deals with the very current theme of bullies in the school environment.

Here is a clip:

Negative Space
It's another short movie produced in France, realized with stop-motion animations lasting less than six minutes. Written and directed by Max Porter and Ru Kuwahata, the work tells the story of a father whose work often takes him away on a journey that wants to stay in touch with his son teaching him the way to organize his suitcase.

Here the trailer:

Revolting Rhymes
It is the longest work among those presented, well 58 minutes, a short that contains six stories in which the two authors, Jakob Schuh and Jan Lachauer, mix the well-known characters of "Little Red Riding Hood", "Snow White", "Cinderella" and others in a great parody inspired by the homonymous book by Roald Dahl published in 1982.

Here is the trailer:

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