Animation World
The Last Whale Singer - German animated film created in Unreal Engine
June 14, 2022

The Last Whale Singer - German animated film created in Unreal Engine

We present a new animated feature film produced at German studios using the well-known rendering engine for videogames and not only created by Epic.
The Last Whale Singer is written and directed by Reza Memari and produced by Telescope Animation studios he founded in 2018 together with veteran Maite Woköck.

It is a family film produced together with the studios PFX and La Boîte à Fanny starring Vincent, a rebellious teenage humpback whale who ventures into the deepest sea with his companions. where he must claim his destiny and summon his mystical song to save the oceans from the destruction of a monstrous creature, which has emerged from an iceberg.

A film made entirely with CGI animations exploiting the full potential of real-time animation produced by Unreal Engine, with a custom designed production pipeline within the rendering engine to allow artists to develop the project simultaneously on multiple platforms, using the same tools and resources and counting on the important contribution and technical assistance of Epic (Unreal Engine author).

Along with the film, the story will expand through a prequel game and several related projects leveraging XR technology, all created and shared within Unreal Engine 5.

"Created in-house from the ground up, Telescope Animation’s pipeline streamlines the process for artists, game developers, animators and storytellers looking to develop multiple releases at once within Unreal Engine 5. Assets can be created in real time, speeding up the process by virtually eliminating rendering times, and then shared to other projects. Artists can also storyboard in 2D and 3D, directly within Unreal Engine, while virtual reality camera rigs further expand the possibilities by giving artists the ability to create the shot layout directly within virtual sets. Location and character creation can be procedurally generated, saving both time and resources. Telescope is also developing an advanced water simulation, which will be featured throughout the Whale Singer Universe" says the director Memari.

Still in production, the film, video game and all other projects should see the light in 2025.

Here the concept trailer and a poster:

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