The animated short film list for 2020 César Awards. The Oscars of French cinema, the César Awards, always open to the world of animation, announce the list of short films that will compete for a prize in the new edition.There are very high-profile titles on the list, including the last winners of the BAFTA, Annecy Cristal and Clermont-Ferrand awards. A list that will be shortened at the end of January, before arriving at the award ceremony, on February 22, 2020.Here are the titles with their promos:- BavureDirected by Donato Sansone- Ce magnifique gâteau! (This Magnificent Cake!)Directed by Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels- EggDirected by Martina Scarpelli- FlowDirected by Adriaan Lokman- GuaxumaDirected by Nara Normande- Je sors acheter des cigarettes (I'm Going Out for Cigarettes)Directed by Osman Cerfon- La Nuit des sacs plastiques (The Night of the Plastic Bags)Directed by Gabriel Harel- Make It SoulDirected by Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo- MémorableDirected by Bruno Collet- Mon Juke-BoxDirected by Florentine Grelier- RivieraDirected by Jonas Schloesing- RoughhouseDirected by Jonathan Hodgson[ Fra - via CartoonBrew ]. End of the article.