The first 3 shorts in the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures series. Announced a few months ago, new information has been released on the short film series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. Below by the first shorts in full version.Disney+ and Lucasfilm produce a new series of animated shorts with stories set during the High Republic era on the timeline of the film Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999), starring young Jedi as they study the ways of the Force, explore the galaxy, help citizens and creatures in need.Leading the production is showrunner Michael Olson, executive producing with James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez and Josh Rimes of Lucasfilm. Directed by Elliot M. Bour (Elena of Avalor), co-producer with Jeannine Hodson (Puppy Dog Pals).Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures will debut on Disney+ on May 4th.Here are the first three short films:[ Fra - source AWN ]. End of the article.