Asatir is the new anime series produced between Japan and Saudi Arabia. In 2017 Manga Productions and Toei Animation announced their partnership and last year we presented the first feature film [news]. Now they present a new animated series.The original title is Asatir: Mirai no Mukashibanashi (internationally Future's Folktales), an animated series set in the capital Riyadh in the futuristic 2050, in which the grandmother Asmaa tells her three grandchildren stories and legends that characterized the arab folklore of their land.The 13-episode series will air on the Arabic channel J Tele starting on April 4th.Here the trailer:Manga Productions and Toei Animation collaborated together on the animated feature film The Journey (of which you can find info and trailers on our pages) which was to be presented at Cannes 2020 then canceled.Manga Production is based in Riyadh and is a subsidiary of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Foundation, responsible for the concept of the film, writing and pre-production, as well as supervising the dubbing in Arab land. In addition to animated projects, the Prince promotes investments in the videogames and comics sector, with important Japanese partnerships to train artists in Arab territory.[ Fra - source AnimeClick ]. End of the article.