A video shows how tall various Godzilla was. The legendary Kaiju, the king of Japanese monsters, Godzilla, has had a large number of appearances in films, series and animated productions. A video shows us the various heights reached up to the last Monster Planet.The creature was imagined by different artists in different styles, even if with a similar design: a sort of dinosaur with big thorns all along the tail.Looking at the first apparitions in fact you see it grow in height, from the first 1954 film with its about 50 meters and an estimated weight of 20,000 tons, until the last Hideaki Anno's Shin Godzilla with its 120 meters and 92,000 tons, and Godzilla: Monster Planet, the latest animated version, with 300 meters tall.Here the animated video with the various versions:[ Fra - source UniversalMovies ]. End of the article.