An unconventional Santa Claus in the anime Sanda. The anime adaptation of Sanda, the manga by Paru Itagaki, author of Beastar, will arrive in 2025. Info and trailer below.The action story follows the adventures of adults and children in a near future with a declining birth rate. An ordinary boy named Sanda discovers that one of his classmates, Shiori Fuyumura, is trying to kill him, due to Fuyumura's missing friend and a certain "curse" that Sanda carries.Launched in July 2021 in the Weekly Shonen Champion magazine, the manga ended this year with the publication of the 32nd issue.Produced by the prestigious Tokyo-based animation studio Science SARU, founded by director Masaaki Yuasa and producer Eunyoung Choi, the anime is directed by Tomohisa Shimoyama, written and supervised by Kimiko Ueno (Delicious in Dungeon, Ranma 1/2), with Masamichi Ishiyama (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off) as character designer and chief animator, and music by FPM's Tomoyuki Tanaka, his first-time composer of music for an animated series.Sanda is expected in fall 2025. Below are the promo and visuals:[ Fra - source ANN ]. End of the article.