First teaser teaser for the upcoming anime Terminator Zero. The new anime produced by Netflix is Terminator Zero, the new chapter of the well-known franchise of films and TV series. Below are the first animations.The story will not feature John or Sarah Connor, but a forward-thinking scientist called Malcolm Lee, working to launch a new artificial intelligence system designed to compete with Skynet's impending attack on humanity. Set between the year 2022, where a future war has been raging for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines, and 1997, where the artificial intelligence Skynet has gained self-awareness and begun its war against the humanity, a brave soldier will travel back in time to protect Lee from potential danger.Created by showrunner and executive producer Mattson Tomlin and produced by Netflix, Skydance and the well-known Japanese animation studio Production I.G, the series is directed by Masahi Kudo with David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger executive producing.Starring Timothy Olyphant, Rosario Dawson, Sonoya Mizuno, André Holland e Ann Dowd, the 8 episodes of the first season will all be available from August 29 on the well-known streaming platform.Here the official teaser:[ Fra - source Netflix ]. End of the article.