Creatures of ARK: The Animated Series. Presented last year on our pages, the animated series produced by Studio Wildcard and titled ARK: The Animated Series features a long special on animals.Synopsis: In a sweeping story that spans eons of human & world history, 21st-century paleontologist Helena Walker finds herself resurrected on a mysterious primeval land after a tragedy. There she must learn to survive and find new allies, or die again at the hands of ruthless warlords - all while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.Studio Wildcard, the well-known American video game developer, produces ARK: The Animated Series, with the two authors of the original title, Jeremy Stieglitz and Jesse Rapczak with Jay Oliva (Trese, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) executive producers and directors.The two-dimensional animations are produced by Oliva's Glendale-based Lex+Otis Animation Studio, with the screenplay written by Marguerite Bennett and Kendall Deacon Davis b> and, among the executive producers (and voice actors), names like Gerard Butler, Russel Crowe and Vin Diesel.The series is already available on the Paramount+ platform in the U.S. and Canada. It will be available in all other territories where the platform is present from April 19.You can find the trailer in this page.Below is a long video describing the creatures of the series:[ Fra - source Paramount+ ]. End of the article.