In January the second season of the Not Quite Narwhal series. The new season of the animated series for children created by the DreamWorks Animation studios will be released in January. Below you will find the trailer and the release date.Produced by DreamWorks Animation, Not Quite Narwhal is a series aimed at a preschool audience based on the books by Jessie Sima starring a part-narwhal, part-unicorn animal.With two magical worlds to explore, Kelp is busy embracing his new life as a narwhal and a unicorn! Whether discovering mysterious sea sculptures, playing an exciting game of Sparks Ball, or enjoying a special visit from the Great Great Grandicorn, Kelp and his friends always follow their curiosity. They’ll even get to meet a snow unicorn named Dambi and two-horned narwhal named Barb, embracing the magic of what makes everyone unique, on land and in the sea!After the first season released last summer, Netflix will release the second season on January 22.Here the trailer:[ Fra - source AnimationMagazine ]. End of the article.