New serie for the Dragon Ball franchise: in 2024 arrives Daima. The new anime series Dragon Ball Daima brings back the Akira Toriyama's iconic characters on small screens with new stories in 2024. The first promo below.Annunciata all'ultimo New York Comic Con dai produttori Toei Animation, la nuova serie è concepita, scritta e con il design dei personaggi di Akira Toriyama, autore del manga originale.The author describes the story like this: "Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things, they'll head off to a new world! It's a grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world. Since Goku has to make up for his petite size, he uses his Nyoibo (Power Pole) to fight, something not seen in a long time".Although the title "Daima" does not mean anything, the kanji could be interpreted as "Evil" in English.Expected in about a year, in autumn 2024, here is the first promo:[ Fra - source ANN ]. End of the article.