Animation World
Gabriel and the Guardians - the new Hebrew scripture inspired anime
September 6, 2023

Gabriel and the Guardians - the new Hebrew scripture inspired anime

A new animated series currently in the crowdfunding phase presents itself with the first info and a trailer. It's titled Gabrie and the Guardians and is inspired by a Jewish legend.
Produced by Angel Studios based in Utah, in the United States, Gabriel and the Guardians is the project for a new animated series presented at the last Austin's GalaxyCon last week.

The animated series is created by Jason Moody who commented: "Just like Tolkien's Middle-earth is influenced by Northern European mythos, our fantasy world of Ara is shaped by the lore and mythos found in ancient Hebrew writings and Mesopotamian cultures."

Gabriel and the Guardians is an epic fantasy series that tells the journey of Gabriel, a Celestial being from an unseen realm. With unyielding optimism, Gabriel never backs down and inspires his friends through enchanting adventures of truth and self-discovery.

Currently in the crowdfunding phase on the platform, the series will soon be distributed on the streaming platform property with the same name of the studios.

Here the trailer:

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