Trailer for the 26th anime film of Detective Conan. The new anime in the Detective Conan franchise is titled The Iron Submarine and comes with a lengthy trailer and main theme, just over a month before it arrives in Japanese theaters.Titled Detective Conan: Kurogane no Submarine (Iron Submarine), the 26th film in the young detective franchise will hit theaters from April 14 next year.The film's story takes place on the Hachijō-jima island south of central Tokyo. Many engineers from around the world gather to witness the launch of a new system that connects all law enforcement camera systems around the world and enables facial recognition worldwide. Conan also heads there with an invitation from Sonoko. He receives a message from Subaru Okiya, who says that a Europol agent has been murdered in Germany by the Black Organization's Gin. Perturbed, Conan tours the new facility, just in time for the Black Organization to kidnap a female engineer, seeking a piece of important data in her USB drive.Director of the film is Yuzuru Tachikawa (Mob Psycho 100, Blue Giant, Case Closed: Zero The Enforcer, Death Parade) on a screenplay written by Takeharu Sakurai (Author of 6 films of the franchise included Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet) and the music composed by Yugo Kanno (Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween, Psycho-Pass).Here is the trailer that makes us listen to the song "Utsukushii Hire" by rock band SPITZ:[ Fra - source ANN ]. End of the article.