Royal Crackers is the new animated comedy from Adult Swim. A new animated comedy is coming in USA to Adult Swim and HBO Max. It's titled Royal Crackers and below we show you info and trailer.The Bakersfield family's successful cracker company is the star of Royal Crackers, but the once king of snacking is now crumbling. When the family patriarch, tyrannical company founder Theodore Hornsby Sr. ends up in a "super coma", the rest of the Hornsbys will take on their incompetence and lack of talent, as well as business acumen and try to make Royal Crackers successful than once.The series is created by and stars Jason Ruiz, with Andrew Santino, Jessica St. Clair, David Gborie, Emmy winner Maile Flanagan and Fred Tatasciore who lend their voices to the main characters."Like most kids, when I was a young child, I had the stereotypical dream of making an animated television program about a mediocre cracker company and the family of desperate weirdos who run it," said Ruiz.Composed of approximately half-hour episodes and directed at an adult audience, Royal Crackers will be broadcast from April 2nd on Adult Swim and the day after on HBO Max, with a new episode every week.Here the trailer:[ Fra - source AnimationMagazine ]. End of the article.