Animation World
Trailer and release date for the anime Aria the Benedizione
August 10, 2021

Trailer and release date for the anime Aria the Benedizione

The final cycle of the Blue Curtain Call project closes with the anime Aria the Benedizione of which a new trailer and release date has been released.
After Aria the Avvenire and Aria the Crepuscolo, the third title that closes the cycle is Aria the Benedizione, whose release has been announced in Japanese theaters on December 3rd.

Junichi Sato, director of the previous anime Aria returns as head director and author of the script, while Takahiro Natori (also at work in the previous anime series) is the new director at J.C. Staff. Yoko Ito is in charge of character design and is head animator and Choro Club and Takeshi Senoo are always composers of the music (like previous productions of the franchise).

Here the new trailer:

[ Fra - source ANN ]
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