Animation World
Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild - trailer of the anime
July 16, 2021

Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild - trailer of the anime

Another well-known video games series moves to the small screen with a new animated title. Below the first trailer for Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild.
The well-known Japanese fantasy series and successful franchise released in 2005 by Capcom, Monster Hunter, comes with an animated feature film, a film of just one hour made with CG animations.

After the feature film with real actors produced last year, now it is the turn of Netflix with a title produced by Capcom together with Pure Imagination Studios, written by Joshua Fine.

Here's the synopsis: In a world where humans and fearsome monsters live in an uneasy balance, young hunter Aiden fights to save his village from destruction by a dragon.

Made with a quality very close to the world of the original video games, the film will be released on August 12th. Here is the trailer:

[ Fra - source Netflix ]
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