Second teaser for the new Spriggan anime series. The anime Spriggan is ready to return with a new series produced by Netflix, a series of which we show you a new teaser.After the first anime film produced by Studio 4°C in 1998, here are the first animations of the new ONA (original net animation) series directed by Hiroshi Kobayashi (Dragon Pilot), written by Hiroshi Seko, with character design from Shuhei Handa (Little Witch Academia) and produced by David Production.The story takes us on Earth, where dangerous relics of an ancient alien civilization have been discovered. ARCAM's team of Spriggan agents are tasked with preventing these relics from falling into the wrong hands.The series will be released in 2022 on the well-known streaming platform.Here the teaser:[ Fra - source Netflix ]. End of the article.