Animation World
New trailer and release date of the anime Misaki no Mayoiga
May 4, 2021

New trailer and release date of the anime Misaki no Mayoiga

The anime Misaki no Mayoiga (The Abandoned House by the Cape) comes with a new trailer, release date and more.
Based on the novel of the same name by Sachiko Kashiwaba turned into a screenplay by Reiko Yoshida (K-ON !, Violet Evergarden, Liz and the Blue Bird) and directed by Shinya Kawatsura, the anime is made by David Production.

The story centers around a traditional Japanese house named "Mayoiga" (named after the Japanese folkloric concept of an abandoned yet well-kept home) from where one can see the sea and feel the touch of warmth and nostalgia. Here, a 17-year-old girl who is trying to find her place in the world begins a new life with people completely unrelated to her.

The anime, set in Iwate Prefecture, joins Bakuten!! [news] and Hula Fulla Dance as part of a broader initiative to promote respectively Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, a project created to commemorate the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

Expected in Japanese theaters on August 27, here's the new trailer:

[ Fra - source ANN ]
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