Animation World
Cinematography: Klaus' advanced digital 2D
April 11, 2021

Cinematography: Klaus' advanced digital 2D

Our professional in-depth appointment Cinematography in Animation Industry today brings us into an all-European production: Klaus.

The 2019 film directed by Sergio Pablos and produced in his Madrid based SPA Studios was nominated for over 24 awards, including an Oscar, and has received numerous awards around the world.

Made entirely with classic 2D techniques, however, they tried to give the images an advanced look, developing a new technology to add details, textures, lights and shadows to each moving element, without using 3D techniques or models.

Innovative systems described by the author himself that give new luster to animations produced with freehand drawings. A work carried out for about two years by over 300 artists, 40 of which animators, and completed less than a month before the premiere.

The video shows us all the steps, from storyboard to dubbing to all the processes that led the images to acquire the final appearance, starting from drawings on tablets using the "Toon Boom Harmony" software up to the must important elements of this production: lighting and shadows.

Only a few inanimate elements were added in 3D precisely because of their "solid" appearance, like Pablos himself remembers, but all the characters and the major scenographies enjoy a 3D-like aspect made without any use of 3D software, an aspect achieved with a lot of effort by the artists, for a final more than spectacular result in which it is very difficult understand which element was made in one way or another. A step forward to any two-dimensional production realized today.

[ Fra - source MovieInsider ]
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