The innovative Richard Linklater returns with a new animated film. The new feature film the author and director Richard Linklater is working on is titled Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Adventure, his third animated project that will be made with different animation techniques.It has been described as an "innovative film made with hand-drawn animations and computer graphics" with a live-action shoot as base of the project, as the previous Linklater animated film A Scanner Darkly (2006) brought into animations via Rotoscoping.The shooting sessions have already been concluded last March and have seen protagonists two well-known stars of the comic genre like Jack Black and Zachary Levi. Black had previously collaborated with Linklater on the icon music comedy "School of Rock" (2003).The story goes back to the director's childhood in Houston, Texas, in 1969 during the first moon landing, with the focus placed on two views: the astronauts on their important mission and the view of an excited child attending this event. Reality that mixes with the fantasies and desires of those who already see themselves as protagonists of future missions on the moon.A science fiction comedy aimed at audiences of all ages produced by Linklater's Detour FilmProductions and Submarine, produced in collaboration with Netflix which will ensure global distribution."It’s been a fun, creative journey to incorporate things like 3D graphics into a live-action shoot to help bring this story to life," Linklater said in a statement.[ Fra - source AnimationMagazine ]. End of the article.