The trailer for the upcoming italian animated series Dragonero. The world of Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Orcs and Dragons of the italian comic Dragonero published by Sergio Bonelli Editore become an animated series. Below the very first animations."We can finally present you the first teaser trailer of the animated series of Dragonero, which Sergio Bonelli Editore is producing with Rai Ragazzi. The series it is taken from the fantasy comic created by Luca Enoch and Stefano Vietti, born in 2007 as Bonelli comic book and became regular monthly series in 2013."Dragonero tells the adventures of Ian Aranill, Scout of the Erondarian Empire and heir of the noble and ancient house of the Varliedàrto, or of the "Dragon Hunters".The animated series, directed to an audience between the ages of 7 and 12, is made with 2D and 3D animations filtered with a final 2D effect very similar to The Prince of Dragons (Netflix) and is composed of 26 episodes of 26 minutes.Waiting news about the release date, here the first trailer:[ Fra - source SergioBonelliEditore ]. End of the article.