Gobelins - Animated digital effects short films 2020. The prestigious French animation school Gobelins, which trains artists for major animation studios around the world, releases short films in which some groups of students study and experience special effects.In addition to the year-end shorts of the various study courses, the French school presents us with a series of shorts in which small groups of 5/6 students in a few weeks make a video in which they are experimented with purely 2D animated digital effects ranging from lights to fabrics to colors and much more.Here the short film:- MAJI BOMBUCreated by: Denisse Aguilar, Rose Gallerand, Lucie Juric, Caroline Leibel, Gabriela Lewandowska, Claire Pellet.- FLEUR BLEUECreated by: Vincent Albert, Nawel Bahamou, Neïl Dieu, Marin Inbona, Tom Rameaux.- DIGITAL LOVECreated by: Florian De Chelle, Valentin Giuli, Armand Goxe, Mathilde Oudit, Mary Yanko.- L'INVITÉECreated by: Faustine Merle, Mélina Ienco, Marie Toury, Chloé Van Becelaere, Camille Van Delft, Elodie Xia.- PETITE MORTCreated by: May Taraud, Vincent Pistien, Malo Doucet, Marine Corbineau, Alexis Maurice, Clémence André.[ Fra - source Catsuka ]. End of the article.