The manga Happy-Go-Lucky Days in anime. The manga Happy-Go-Lucky Days (original Donika Naru Hibi) by Takako Shimura becomes an animated film thanks to Liden Films. Released in a little over a month in Japanese theaters, below we show you the new trailer.The film brings into animation a group of stories in which two people meet and live their love and sexual relationship. The adventure of a night that turns into something more, one in which a girl is looking for love or a boy in need of attention or the relationship of a woman with her strange roommate and many others.Directed by Takuya Sato, with the co-direction of Koji Aritomi, director also of the technical part, the screenplay is written by Sato Yoriko Tomita and Yasunori Ide, the character design by Haruka Sagawa, the photography by Junpei Takatsu, the artistic direction by Yukihiro Saito and the editing by Mai Hasegawa.Expected in Japanese theaters on May 8, here is the original trailer in which we also listen to the song "Monomane" by the band CreepHyp:[ Fra - source AnimeClick ]. End of the article.