The new animated series produced by Disney will take us to a futuristic Lagos between action and adventure with the young protagonist Tola. Below the first trailer for Iw�j�.
The limited series is set in a futuristic Lagos, Nigeria, starring Tola, a young girl from a wealthy island, and her best friend Kole, a self-taught technology expert. Together, the two discover the secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds.
The series is produced by the pan-African company Kugali and directed by Olufikayo Ziki Adeola, author of the story together with Halima Hudson, with Christina Chen , Joel MacDonald and Toluwalakin Olowofoyeko producers, and the Disney's creative chief, Jennifer Lee, executive producer. The CG animations are produced by Canadian Cinesite VFX.
Together with the series, consisting of 6 episodes, Iwájú: A Day Ahead will also be released, a special documentary shot on three continents that tells the story of the founders of Kugali.
Available from February 28 on Disney+, here the official trailer: