
Second preview of the new anime Gundam Narrative

The productions made in Sunrise starring the legendary Gundam are far from being exhausted. For the new project Mobile Suit Gundam NT (Narrative) the studios present a new preview.

"The new destination of the legend of NewType". Year UC 0097. Following the destruction of Neo Zeon and the Laplace incident, and after the two Psycho Frames have shown unimaginable powers, the menacing White Unicorn and Black Lion have vanished, surrendering themselves to the oblivion of history. Suddenly, however, the Gundam RX-0 Unicorn 03 is also spotted, also called Phenex, an immortal golden bird.

Expected in theaters in Japan in November, the video presents about a minute of unpublished scenes, with by English subtitles and the theme song "Narrative" by SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]Lisa.

Here the preview:

[ DomenicoV / GundamUniverse ]

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