FOCUS: Animation: Feature films releasing in 2024

Dicember 28, 2023
After the years of the pandemic, 2024 will instead see the consequences of the Hollywood strikes become apparent which, prolonged for many months, caused producers and distributors to review their plans. In fact, between postponements and cancellations, the number of productions that will arrive in theaters and on platforms is limited.

The Boy and the Heron
The latest work by the Master Hayao Miyazaki, released in cinemas all over the world between the end of the year and the new year. A work already praised by critics and the public as a sure protagonist of the next season of industry awards. Not the last work of the tireless Japanese author, director and designer who increasingly feels the need for his ability to narrate and represent fantastic stories.

Orion and the Dark
Producer Peter McCown (Kung Fu Panda, The Five Legends, How to Train Your Dragon) and Oscar winner Charlie Kaufman bring the award-winning children's book "Orion and the Dark" in animation thanks to the French studios Mikros Animation. A modern expression of classic childhood fear that will arrive in the form of a fantastic comedy produced and distributed by Netflix to its subscribers from February 2.

The Tiger's Apprentice
From one streaming platform to another, the new title produced by Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Movies and created by the Chinese Pearl Studio brings us a story halfway between West and East, starring a Chinese-American boy who must become the apprentice of the talking tiger Mr. Hu and learn ancient magic to become the new guardian of an ancient phoenix. Available on Paramount+ from February 2.

Kung Fu Panda 4
In time for spring, the long-awaited new adventure of the panda Po arrives with the fourth cinematographic appointment after some appearances in television series. Eight years after the last chapter made in DreamWorks Animation, the protagonist is in fact entrusted with the task of becoming the spiritual leader of the Valley of Peace. In theaters from March 8.

The Garfield Movie
The legendary character born from the imagination of Jim Davis also returns in 2024, produced by Sony Pictures Animation and with animations by the DNEG studios. A new story that will tell us about the origins of the lasagna-hungry and monday hater cat expected in theaters from May 24.

Inside Out 2
The first title from the Disney/Pixar studios, after the disastrous years it experienced between production and distribution choices, is a sequel to a film from almost a decade ago by Pete Docter capable of collecting more than $850 million at the box office around the world. A sequel is unlikely to be able to radically change the trend and convince viewers, but an attempt is welcome. From June 14 in theaters.

Small note concerns three Pixar titles released directly in streaming during the pandemic (2020/2021/2022) which arrive in theaters between January and March. Let's talk about Soul, Turning Red and Luca. Dates and information in this page.

Despicable Me 4
On the topic of sequels, the Illumination studios are also offering a new adventure in their most profitable and long-lived franchise. The saga of the bad guys who aren't so bad after all and the little yellow-skinned troublemakers helpers, return in the classic summer slot all over the world, ready to entertain adults and not-so-adults.

The Magnificent Life of Marcel Pagnol
2024 should also see the return of award-winning French author, director and animator Sylvain Chomet (Les triplettes de Belleville, The Illusionist) with a film about Pagnol, a playwright, novelist and director who grew up in a middle-class family in Marseille and became one of the world's most creative and prolific artists from the 1930s to the 1950s. The release date in French theaters has not yet been announced.

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim
Among the most anticipated titles of the year is certainly the new chapter set in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. The film is produced in Japan at Sola Entertainment studios and directed by Kenji Kamiyama and tells the story of the great battle at Helm's Deep and the man who gave him the first name. Postponed due to strikes, it should be released in December.

There are several anticipated titles which currently do not have a release date and whose productions have been slowed down or blocked which will have an impact of no less than six months on the programming for the next few years.

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